Got a question? Feel free to ask!
Email us (programming & general coordination) (volunteers) (general questions & festival market) (instrument makers market)
Call us
+32 (0)2 532 28 38
Festival site: Houteman, 1755 Gooik (BE)
Postal address (Muziekmozaïek): Wijngaardstraat 5, 1755 Gooik (BE)
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Gooikoorts is organized by
vzw Muziekmozaïek Folk & Jazz
Wijngaardstraat 5, 1755 Gooik, Belgium
enterprise number: 0477.208.425
Muziekmozaïek is an organization that brings together amateur musicians, organizers, and music lovers to dive into, play, and discover the world of jazz and folk.